
Showing posts from 2018

Top 20 Most important Medical Developments

TOP 20 MOST IMPORTANT MEDICAL DEVELOPMENTS 1 ANTIBIOTICS: While Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming made the initial discovery of penicillin in 1928 and further antibiotic discoveries were made in the 1940s, the medical application and further development of antibiotics really took off in the 1960s. This has resulted in dramatic declines in death rates and serious illhealth arising from infection. 2. VACCINATION: the development of vaccines against a range of infectious diseases including small pox (which was eradicated as a result of vaccination in 1977), polio and hepatitis B has resulted in a major shift towards disease prevention.  3. IMAGING: the development of CT and MRI scanning revolutionised the manner in which the body can be scanned in order to detect disease (i.e. cancer) and inform treatment in a range of disease areas. The University of Aberdeen conducted the first clinical whole-body MRI scan in the world in August 1980.  4. ANTI-TB ...


When someone is in the ‘rat race’ for a job, the prime thing that gets your seat reserved is a  RESUME . It is the key job hunting tool for securing an interview. A good resume summarizes your accomplishments, your qualification, your work experience, and is a reflection of your strengths. Many people are kicked out of chance to get their compatible job not because they lack the required skills, but because of their  inability  to express their true self through a resume as they  DON’T  know what to include in a perfect resume. An outstanding resume has got some merits that only a few intelligent minds know. NEAT AND TIDY APPEARANCE As the proverb says “First impression is the best impression”, your resume should be well organized with consistent headings, fonts, bullets and style. MAKE IT SHORT AND TO THE POINT Avoid exaggeration of the details given in the resume. Instead keep it short and sharp. Maximum no. of pages in a resume ...